Bullying Prevention Programs

Each day the impact of bullying is felt in school and community settings across the nation. It negatively affects the lives of both the bullier and the target. No longer simply considered “kids being kids,” bullying and its prevention has become a critical issue for schools, communities, and parents alike. Kansas Children’s Service League (KCSL) believes that bullying is a form of child abuse – peer to peer.
KCSL, in partnership with the Kansas State Department of Education, has launched the 24 hour Parent & Youth Resource Hotline at 1-800-332-6378 or 1-800-CHILDREN. This anonymous bullying prevention hotline is staffed by trained professionals and volunteers who listen to each caller’s concerns and seek to provide the caller with resources that can assist them. The Parent & Youth Resource Hotline strives to provide connections, empower people and transform our culture to one of kindness. The Parent & Youth Resource Hotline has the capability to communicate with all non-English speaking callers and may also be reached by text or email at 1800children@kcsl.org.
KCSL also offers a free, online Bullying Prevention Basics course. This self-paced course will introduce participants to the 5 types of bullying, the roles of bulliers, targets, and witnesses, and the cycle of pain, rage, and revenge. Participants will also learn strategies for dealing with bullying behaviors. The course was designed with parents and teachers in mind and takes approximately one hour to complete. Contact elearning@kcsl.org or 1-800-CHILDREN for more information.
Visit www.kcsl.org for information on all of KCSL’s bullying prevention initiatives. Also, follow KCSL’s Bullying Prevention programs online at www.facebook.com/MakingKansasBullyFree and www.twitter.com/BullyFreeKS.