There will be no school from March 11th thru March 15th for Spring Break.
No School on March 8, 2024
The Garfield 3rd Quarter Awards Assembly will be March 7th at 10:15 AM. The awards assembly will also be broadcast on Facebook Live.
The Guthridge 3rd Quarter Awards Assembly will be March 7th at 9:00 AM. The awards assembly will also be broadcast on Facebook Live.
Parsons Middle School sixth grade students converged on Forest Park with Garfield third graders to engage in some cooperative community service Monday morning. Students picked up trash throughout the park and then enjoyed a little play time when they were done.
KOAM covered the district's donation of the Humvee to the Pathways to Freedom Veteran's Memorial.
March 4th and 5th are elementary Parent / Teacher conferences. If you haven't had a chance to sign up for conferences through SignUpGenius, please call the school office to schedule a conference.
March 4th and 6th are middle school and high school student led Parent / Teacher conferences.
Students will be dismissed at noon on Monday, March 4th, so that teachers have time to finalize and post grades before Parent / Teacher Conferences.
Garfield Domino's Pizza Fundraiser Night! Tuesday, February 27th!
USD 503 • Parsons District Schools 2024-25 District Calendar
On Monday, February 19, there will be no school in USD 503 and the District Office will be closed in celebration of Presidents' Day.
Tri-County Special Education Interlocal 607 is Hiring! Scan the QR Code or visit this link for more details:
At the Board of Education meeting held Monday evening, the Board voted to make up one of the three snow days that we've had this year. School will now be in session on March 29th as the make-up day.
PHS weightlifter and Cross Fit competitor Autumn Sands was featured on KSN as she preps for the World Championship in Lima, Peru. The link to her interview is here:
Today was signing day for four PHS football players. Cade Brown signed with University of Central MO. Jayce Quirin signed with Central Arkansas University. Sam Brewer signed with Pittsburg State University and Jahmarion Washington signed with Coffeyville CC. Congrats! Go Vikes!
Students from Parsons Middle School and Guthridge participated in World Read Aloud Day by reading books to kindergarten and first grade students at Lincoln Elementary Wednesday. First grade students also took turns reading books to the older students.
With the help of a Parsons Education Foundation grant, Guthridge School served up hot soups and other snacks for its SOUP-er teachers Friday. It is one of many ways teams in 503 express their appreciation for all teachers do every day!
Ms. Strode's class at Garfield School had fun with a game of Kansas themed Jeopardy Thursday. How much do you know about Kansas? Check out their video:
Matthew Peak was busy this morning working with the new 3-D printers that will soon go out to schools in the district, allowing students and staff the means to use this technology to enhance learning with hands-on projects applicable to every subject area.