Lincoln School preschool teacher Melissa Peak will be attending the Ron Clark Academy Experience in November.
Peak has been accepted to attend the Ron Clark Academy Experience on behalf of the SONIC Foundation. The opportunity was offered through the DonorsChoose organization.
SONIC is just one of the many partners of DonorsChoose, whose mission is, to “make it easy for anyone to help a teacher in need, moving us closer to a nation where students in every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education.”
Charles Best founded DonorsChoose in 2000, creating a website where teachers could post requests for classroom resources.
Peak first started using DonorsChoose in 2015 and now has had 35 DonorsChoose projects funded, working on her 36th classroom project. Some of her projects were funded with help from SONIC as well as many other DonorsChoose partners and individuals, many of which have been local supporters.
Corbin Umstattd with Umstattd SONIC Group and the Parsons local SONIC are partnering together to provide Peak with the opportunity to travel to the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Ga. Peak was selected as one of the participants for this 2-day Revolutionary Professional Development for Educators experience.
The Ron Clark Academy is a model school and accepts visitors from all over the world. Their innovative and energetic approaches yield results and they enjoy sharing their methods for instilling a passion for learning and helping all children achieve great levels of success. Each week, educators visit the Ron Clark Academy to witness their dynamic and research-based teaching methods. Through classroom observations and workshops, participants in the training program learn ways to increase student engagement, ensure academic rigor, and create a climate and culture that leads to success.
SONIC Drive-In proudly supports teachers and students across the local communities SONIC serves through Limeades for Learning, a program funded by a portion of every drink purchase.
"I am excited for the opportunity to attend the Ron Clark Academy Experience,” Peak said. “Looking forward to this learning experience."