A Flyer with QR coade announcing Viking Farms selling flowers.
An motorized flag now graces the main gym.
Trophy and golden leaves, announcing Brimm's class is state IXL Champion again.
Justin Cartwright takes a selfie with some of his students.
Head and shoulder shots of everyone on the MHIT team for USD 503.
Mary Gilpin presents Debbie Shaffer with the Outstanding Teacher Of American History Award.
Dr. Trinity Davis, Ph.D.
Soldiers, coaches and students help off load wrestling mats from a USAR vehicle to take into PHS.
SparkWheel coordinators speak to the USD 503 Board of Education to give them an update on their programs.
Sage Brown with KU Telehelath ROCKS visits with Assistant Superintendent Jeff Pegues and Community Health Worker Jaran Dixon
Mallory Piva Province sitting on the floor with her two sons in front of a Christmas tree.
Debbie Shaffer and Elks rep Kyla Shultz stand with the three eighth grade essay winners.
USD 503 Board
A small group of PHS students listen to a mannequin during a tour of the LCC Health Sciences building, that was part of a campus tour.
A Garfield student plays a game with aide  Kae Yeoman.
Charles Gross throwing out peace signs on the University of Tulsa  basketball court.
Shannon Fox
A truck wrapped with a picture of children and design for Parsons Vikings. Food Service.
Viking Head and Title Parsonbs USD 503 Board of Education Meeting Story 12/09/2024
Two students look on as a 3-D printer prints Christmas ornaments.