For the second year in a row, Ivy Brimm’s fifth grade class at Guthridge has been named the state champion in the 5th-8th grade category of the IXL Sunflower State Sprint competition.
From Jan. 29 to Feb. 28 classrooms across Kansas participated in the competition to see who could answer the most questions correctly on average per student and master certain topics.
IXL is an immersive online learning tool for students that reinforces grade level curriculum taught in class. Students use IXL in class and at home to practice lessons, and the program helps them master skills in the areas of math, language arts, science, and social studies. Schools across Kansas use IXL at every grade level, assisting teachers in assessing and analyzing where students are needing more practice and where they are excelling.
This is the second year for the Kansas statewide IXL competition, but in-school competitions are the norm in Parsons. All classes at Guthridge compete against each other monthly and Brimm’s class divides into two teams that compete against each other weekly.
The top class in each grade band with the highest average number of questions answered per student won a $100 VISA gift card and IXL swag for the class.
“A huge thank you to every student and teacher who participated—you made this competition an incredible success,” Kansas IXL said.
Other top winners of the competition were: Pre-K-4th grade, Kelly M., Saint Patrick Catholic School - Chanute; and 9th–12th grade, Amy S., West Elk School (9th grade, 2nd hr).
Mrs. Brimm’s class was the only one to garner a repeat championship win this year.
Congratulations to Mrs. Brimm’s class on your achievement!