Shannon Fox
A truck wrapped with a picture of children and design for Parsons Vikings. Food Service.
Viking Head and Title Parsonbs USD 503 Board of Education Meeting Story 12/09/2024
Two students look on as a 3-D printer prints Christmas ornaments.
Pictured (left to right): USD 503 Superintendent Lori Perkins, Parsons Area Community Foundation executive director Becky Dantic, Parsons School Nurse Amber Jones, Care Cupboard Hygiene Pantry Founder Aquila Winchell and Care Cupboard board member Travis Ball.
A student looks at pictures of teachers on a Google form on their  computer and picks the ones they feel a connection with.
Norma Lee Christy holds a picture of her kindergarten class.
A picture of Kerri Hall holding her mug.
Poster announcing USD 503 BOE story
Headshot of Dr. Crouse
A bus with STOP sign out and children disembarking
A poster depicting the three STAR Awards the district received.
Melissa Peak receives a certificate from a Sonic representative.
Jane Good holds up the Viking mug she  was presented.
A picture of Jillian Fitzmorris in the state capital hold a proclamation from the Governor.
Jaqie Virmontez and Bob Hoffman stand by a bus.
Donna Jay and Adam Brubaker stand beside a bus.
Janine Nelson and Trisha Robb stand beside a bus.
Karesa Jackson and Amber Klonowski stand beside a bus.
Bus monitor Jessica English stands beside bus driver Alan Bynum beside their school bus.