Mary Gilpin presents Debbie Shaffer with the Outstanding Teacher Of American History Award.
Oceanus Hopkins Chapter of National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), of Pittsburg, was honored to award Parsons Middle School history teacher Debbie Shaffer, the
”Outstanding Teacher of American History” award at their meeting Feb.17.
Shaffer has also been chosen as the KSDAR representative for “Outstanding Teacher of American History” award for the State of Kansas. She will be presented with that award at the
KSDAR meeting on April 6, in Wichita.
The NSDAR is a non-profit organization that promotes education, patriotism and historic preservation.
Shaffer is in her 29th year of teaching and she holds two master's degrees in education, one in American history and the other in educational leadership. In addition to teaching history, she has
taken on the position of teaching the leadership class at the middle school, guiding youth in serving their schools and community through a wide variety of leadership opportunities. Her
impressive start in this role has led to her being chosen to serve as a student advisor for the Kansas Educators Rising Project, where she helps facilitate the development of leadership skills
among students statewide.
“I feel both honored and blessed to teach my passion, American history. I strive to help my students understand the importance of our American past, both the good and the bad. As their
teacher, I believe it is my responsibility to equip them with the tools they need to make informed decisions about themselves and our country. I refrain from imposing my viewpoints, instead
focusing on fostering responsible, independent citizenship,” Mrs. Shaffer told the Oceanus DAR Chapter in a summary about herself.
Mrs. Shaffer has been actively involved in the Honor Flight Program for Parsons, St. Paul, and Chetopa schools for the past seven years. She serves on the program’s board as the secretary. Honor
Flight transports American veterans to Washington D.C. to honor and celebrate them for their service and sacrifice. Shaffer manages the social media for the program and has helped lead
the Parsons School District in ongoing fundraising efforts to ensure this program continues to serve area veterans annually. In addition, she assists in the student guardian training sessions and coordinates a meet and greet luncheon annually for veterans and their student guardians to meet face-to-face before each Honor Flight trip. She supervises students on the trips, too. This past December, Shaffer and her Honor Flight students also participated in the first National Wreaths Across
America event in Parsons, placing wreaths on the graves of veterans in Oakwood Cemetery.
“I am deeply honored to be recognized for my passions—both teaching and my work with the Parsons, Cheopta, and St. Paul High Schools Honor Flight,” Shaffer said today about receiving the awards.
“Watching my students develop a love for our country and its history is truly inspiring.”
“Debbie is the most deserving teacher I know of for this award. I wish I had her for a history teacher. She is so knowledgeable of American History, so enthusiastic and her students are her
family,” Oceanus Chapter Regent Mary Gilpin said. “She is dedicated to her students and her veterans on the Honor Flight.”
Mrs. Shaffer will now represent Kansas at the National NSDAR Outstanding Teacher of American History contest at Washington, DC. The national winner will be awarded $5,000 for the first place award, $2,500 second place award and $1,000 third place award.
“It is our honor to have Debbie Shaffer represent our State as the Outstanding Teacher of American History for the KSDAR,” Gilpin said.