Happy Instructional Coaches Day Mrs Piva! This morning Mrs Piva is leading our staff through one of our Visual Learning Mindframes for teaching success. We have a GREAT instructional Coach!
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
No place better for a creative writing activity then outside on a beautiful day like today
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
creative writing
Mrs Good’s students are working hard on their Math test today.
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
math in Mrs good
Mrs Gordon’s small group math activity today is awesome.
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
Mrs Gordon
Tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday for all USD 503 schools.
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Late Start Wednesday
We LOVE Our USD 503 Teachers!!! #WorldTeachersDay
over 3 years ago, Parsons District Schools
World Teachers' Day
Jaqcen & Jaxx are ready for a terrific Tuesday
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
PE classes can be pretty fun at Guthridge
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
pe on Monday
Mrs. Gordon’s reading interventions found out which House they were in! We had a few Gryffindors!
over 3 years ago, Mikinzi Gordon
Here is the link to next week's updates. Have a great weekend. Hard Work Pays Off...Go VIKES! https://www.smore.com/vfr2j
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
It is time for the Fall 2021 Fundraiser. This year PTO is selling Viking Gear. These would make a perfect holiday gifts. Our goal is for each student to sell 5 items. All orders are due Oct. 22nd, please make checks payable to Parsons PTO. Hard Work Pays Off...Go VIKES!
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
Fall PTO
Mr Willis is putting on a show in 4 Square!
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
4 square
Capt. Jaxx is loved here at Guthridge.
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
Math Time in Miss Jones class is an active time
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
Miss Jones’ math
Mrs O’s small groups were rocking today!
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
Mrs O
Mrs Liska visited some of her former students today at Guthridge and our kids loved it! Thank you
over 3 years ago, Kurt Friess
Mrs Liska
Karter and Gavin help push in all of the chairs each day in the lunchroom! Thanks for being helpful!
over 3 years ago, Mikinzi Gordon
Rainy afternoons in Mrs.Kepley’s class. Practicing cup stacking and working on Prodigy.
over 3 years ago, Shandi Kepley
These two are rocking out Reading Counts points!
over 3 years ago, Ryan Willis
Ja'Lisa, Mylah, and Tate received positive office referrals from Ms. Ryan today for their positive behavior during our social emotional lesson.
over 3 years ago, Marcie Ryan