Fire Safety! 🧯🚨🚒🔥⛑️🧑🏽‍🚒
over 1 year ago, Halee Kennett
Fire Safety! 🧯🚨🚒🔥⛑️🧑🏽‍🚒
Fire Safety! 🧯🚨🚒🔥⛑️🧑🏽‍🚒
Fire Safety! 🧯🚨🚒🔥⛑️🧑🏽‍🚒
Fire Safety! 🧯🚨🚒🔥⛑️🧑🏽‍🚒
Fire Safety! 🧯🚨🚒🔥⛑️🧑🏽‍🚒
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
over 1 year ago, Halee Kennett
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
over 1 year ago, Halee Kennett
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
Kindergarteners used puzzle pieces to make letter Pp! 🧩
There will be no school on Monday, October 16th.
over 1 year ago, Matthew Peak
No School on Monday, October 16, 2023
Mrs. Manley's first graders participated in a science activity where they learned all about the importance of our skull. We had a blast!
over 1 year ago, Olivia Manley
Mrs. Peak's preschoolers doing some feet painting to make either a Frankenstein or ghost foot to decorate the hallway.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Peak
Leo getting his foot painted.
Daenerys painting her ghost foot
Teddy painting his foot.
Frankenstein and ghosts
Rowyn painting her foot.
Cord painting his foot.
Cameron painting his foot.
Our feet painting for the hallway.  Frankenstein and ghosts!
First graders zoomed with Greenbush today and created their own candy corn holder. We have some engineers at Lincoln.
over 1 year ago, Kyra McGuire
He is creating his basket.
Should he fold before taping?
Miss Lindsay is from Greenbush.
We are seeing how many candy corns the creation will hold.
Ms. Finley's AM class cheers on girls tennis! They are headed to state!!
over 1 year ago, Crystal Finley
Blue and Gold! Ready to cheer!
Tennis girls
1st grade has been observing the differences between primary and secondary colors in Mrs. Shields' art class. Last week we made Mary Blaire inspired castles using those colors. Blaire is original designer of the castles in the Disney movies.
over 1 year ago, Jordyn Shields
1st grade using primary and secondary colors
1st grade using primary and secondary colors
1st grade using primary and secondary colors
1st grade using primary and secondary colors
1st grade using primary and secondary colors
1st grade using primary and secondary colors
"The Kansans Can Star Recognition Program recognizes district success in the outcome measures Kansans told us they value, and it is clear that Parsons and other Kansas districts like yours are moving us closer to achieving the state's vision." KSDE and the State Board are pleased to present Parsons the following recognition for 2023: • Social-Emotional Growth - Silver • High School Graduation - Bronze
over 1 year ago, Matthew Peak
USD 503 Kansans Can Awards
First grade students did a science lesson to predict what items in the classroom would sink vs. float. They were shocked to see some of the results!
over 1 year ago, Allison Hutley
Firefighters came to Lincoln today for fire safety week. Mrs. Peak's class enjoyed their visit and seeing the fire truck.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Peak
Class getting ready to listen to the firefighters.
Seeing the fire truck.
Students with the fire fighters.
The class listening.
Seeing the fire fighter in his uniform.
4 preschool classes listening to fire fighters outside.
Mrs. Peak's PM preschool class receive a visit from the fire fighters for fire prevention week.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Peak
PM class Mrs. Peak’s preschoolers
Seeing firetruck.
Photo with the fire fighters.
Giving the fire fighter a high Five.
Fire fighter in his uniform.
High Five to the fire fighter.
Mrs. Anderson's class got a visit from the Firemen today.
over 1 year ago, Jennifer Anderson
On Thursday, AM Preschool went to the Pumpkin patch!
over 1 year ago, Crystal Finley
Corn fun!
Sliding with friends!
Groups all here!
Ms Finley's PM preschool had fun at the pumpkin patch!
over 1 year ago, Crystal Finley
Bouncy fun!
Room for all!
Tunnel fun!
We all fit!
Ms. Finley's preschoolers made pumpkins today!
over 1 year ago, Crystal Finley
More pumpkins!
More and more pumpkins!
So many pumpkins!
Mrs. Peak's PM preschoolers enjoyed their visit to the pumpkin patch on Thursday.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Peak
Preschoolers with their pumpkins
Boys at the pumpkin patch
Girls at the pumpkin patch
How many preschoolers can fit in a chair?
Loading up on the bus.
Playing at the pumpkin patch
Playing at the pumpkin patch
Going on a hayride
Eating snacks
Mrs. Anderson's class had a blast during Spirit Week!!
over 1 year ago, Jennifer Anderson
spirit week
spirit week
spirit week
spirit week
spirit week
Samuel Brewer, of the Parsons Vikings football team, showed the Kindergarteners his python for the letter Pp week.
over 1 year ago, Brenda Winder